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How much will it cost me to create an app for my business on Android and iOS?
This is the first and by far the most common question we get asked at Softwaristic Labs. Businesses and companies around the world are expanding their marketing strategies and swiftly making the transition to full-fledged standalone apps to target the smartphone and tablet market. Cost is the key element they factor in their decision-making. Since no two apps are created the same, our answer is always simple. "It depends on multiple factors."
These factors will be the topic of discussion in today's post as we explain and elaborate on the most crucial elements of the mobile app development design and development process. The intention is to offer clarity to companies interested in app development so that they can make a more informed decision when they speak with our app sales team.
We'll start with the most basic question, which is also the most contested. Do you want an app just for iOS or Android or both? If maximum outreach is your goal, then you should target both platforms, however, keep in mind that could double the cost as each OS requires its native language to create an app which means increased costs.
Cross-platform app development is a great option for such scenarios as it allows for an app to work on both platforms simultaneously using just one form of code. Most of the projects we take on here at Softwaristic are cross-platform based; however, depending on your requirements and the functionalities you want in the app (a point we will talk about later in the post), you might be limited to just one OS or having to take the scenic route with two teams of Android and iOS developers working on your app.
There are certain advantages of using native-based apps as they are more responsive than those developed on cross-platforms. If you have the budget, however, we always recommend targeting both OS devices for maximum gain and reach.
The more features, the higher the cost. The more functionalities, the higher the cost.
The more complex the functionalities and features, the higher the cost.
The more logic involved in creating features and implementing the functionalities, the higher the cost.
How many screens will there be? How many buttons? How many fields? Is there a third-party API that can be used, or will the developers need to write the code from scratch?
All of these can drive the cost up or down, which is why this is the biggest factor when it comes to calculating the cost of building an app, and since this area depends completely on the client's requirements, it's hard to put a hard number on the question as to how much an app will run.
However, to give a general idea, here is a good chart that we found on Cleveroad.
App and app maintenance go hand in hand. Creating an app is one thing; maintaining it is a whole new ball game. Apps need to be constantly updated for bug fixes, new features, smoother U/I, and regular updates. Therefore they need to be constantly updated.
The OS on which they are running evolves as well with its bug fixes, smoother functionality, and improved AI. Apps need to be compatible with the new OS versions, which means they need to be updated periodically. Even if you have the most complete app in the market, you would still need to update it if the OS that it runs comes out with an update.
This means that developers need to be on hand to perform these updates and upgrades, which translates to a regular monthly cost. We recommend that you set aside 20% of your app creation budget for yearly app maintenance.
This is another big one, and depending on your budget, you will choose one of the other. We will explain both options.
Keeping developers on your payroll is expensive and time-consuming. The whole process of hiring a team of developers, interviewing them and accessing their skills, and determining whether they will be able to create and maintain the app while not being familiar with the technical intricacies of app development is one headache no company wants to go through. And if you decide to use native coding and have your app developed for iOS and Android separately, that means two teams of developers working on your app.
Furthermore, once these developers are on your payroll, you have to provide them with other benefits as per law, such as health insurance, 401K, PTO, and other benefits. All this can increase your expenditure significantly.
Outsourcing is the most cost-effective way of creating an app. It frees you up from other obligations that would otherwise take your time and, more importantly, money. You don't have to work with multiple people or teams; you consult with one point of contact, the project manager, who updates and apprises you of the development of your app on a timely basis. You can review the work, provide feedback, make changes, and request revisions as you see fit. Outsourcing is the best approach to mobile app development in 2022.
To put it in simple terms, the backend is an OS comprised of APIs that computer, tabulate and provide data exchange between an app and the database it is connected to. It is fully equipped with its analytics that provides details every business would want to know, such as content and user management, customer activities, and other types of reporting. Some common types of backend environments are AWS and Google Cloud). This makes it a very useful tool for developers to determine how the app is running and aids them in performance tests, QA, and other procedures. The more fields or data you need to track in Analytics, the higher the cost of the app will be.
Apps are not cheap. They are a tremendous tool, and if utilized properly, they can lead to the company gaining a huge share of any market they are targeting. With that being said, some common ranges that have been associated with app development range from $30,000 to $200,000. Again as we mentioned earlier in the post, the number and complexity of the features and functionalities, along with the customer or native platform, ultimately decides the actual price of your app. It is always best to get in touch with a mobile app sales expert regarding your app cost and delivery time.
At Softwaristic, we have teams of native and custom platform web developers who are working on both low-budget as well as high profile projects. If you want to know more about the costs, consult with our sales representatives today.